Happy Thanksgiving!

As much as it pains me to say, Thanksgiving is not usually a BBQ holiday. Some folks insist on being exceptions, of course, but our family is not one of them. At least, not BBQ-wise.

For the first time since I-don’t-know-when, our family isn’t really doing a “real” Thanksgiving dinner. Oh, we’ve got a small ham, and we’ll do some cornbread dressing (this time, an actual recipe from Bettie’s family) and we’ll have pumpkin pie for dessert and breakfast tomorrow, but this year it’s different. Elder son is having T’giving dinner with his girlfriend’s family. At 92, Bettie doesn’t eat much - our dinner will be a rather muted affair. Maybe we’ll open a nice bottle of vintage port from the wine cellar (our other passion) after dinner as we stream something on TV with a roaring fire in the fireplace. But that’ll be the extent of our “celebration.”

Okay, so no great rip-roaring banquet. (Does anyone else say “rip-roaring” these days?) But ultimately the banquet isn’t necessary. The only truly important idea is the first six letters of the holiday’s name.

And while we’re not ones to make political statements, know this: The people behind Smokin’ Bettie’s will never support any position that implicitly or explicitly condones hurting or killing others, no matter who those “others” are.

Eat more BBQ! Happy Thanksgiving, all.


BBQ and Public Libraries


Special Sampling Tomorrow...